April 24, 2012

Wow, that was fun...

And completely and utterly exhausting.

I must come right out and say thank you everyone. You guys are so awesome. There were so many incredible artists, noodler's, and just generally great people.

It was wonderful how you guys made the pedals sing and scream. Your thoughts, comments, and ideas were inspirational. The looks on your faces, and the sounds you conjured from the gear are what makes me want to build this stuff.

You guys brought such an energy I never expected. Thank you, truly thank you all.

Now on to pedal info.

Within this week I will be getting pictures and write ups on all the new gear, from the show, up on the site for purchase.

Why didn't I do this before the show?

Well, I was actually still building a lot of gear the night before the load in for the show. Trust me it wasn't what I really wanted to do, but things don't always go as planned (not having a M.A.D. Box was another).  But I will get things back on track here shortly. I will also be getting new demo vids done and posted as soon as possible.

So please hang in there. I'm trying my hardest for you.

And again thank you all for a great weekend. It was wonderful.

Steve G.

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